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Omega 3 Fatty Acids Benefits | Omega Fish Oil Benefits| HealthnFitness

Omega 3 Fatty Acids Benefits | Omega Fish Oil Benefits| HealthnFitness


Omega 3 fatty Acids Benefits | OMEGA FISH OIL BENEFITS

In this health info article, we shall be discussing Omega 3 fatty acids benefits or will also cover Omega fish oil benefits.  Have you ever been told, you should take omega 3 fatty acids supplements?

Have you wondered, should I take an Omega 3 supplement?

Well, today we're going to talk about it. Doctors explain how simple this can be or how we can improve our health with it.  Moreover, it's always gonna come back to the gut and the brain.


Why do we need Omega-3

The question is, why do we need omega 3, and then we're going to see how to pick a good one for us.  So Omega is our Omega-3 fatty acids, right?

That's the technical way that we describe them, most people just call them omegas.  You know, besides a multivitamin, omega is the next thing that is being recommended virtually across the board, everybody needs to supplement with one for a couple of reasons.

You're absolutely not getting enough omega threes in your diet, even if you eat fish, and even if you eat fatty fish, mackerel, and sardines and bluefish and, tuna, and you know, the salmon, those sorts of things. You're not getting enough omega threes.

And when we say you're not getting enough omega threes, omega-3 are good for your brain, they're good for your heart, they're good for your overall level of inflammation, they're good for blood sugar control, they are good for absolutely every aspect of human metabolism.

And so if we're not getting enough, we're not doing our bodies and brains and everything else any favorites. So everyone wants to solve that gap between what we are in need and what we're actually utilizing in our diets.


When you look at your kitchen shelf and you see all the different items filled within a portion of omegas, it's overwhelming.  All the different choices and some of them are a little bit different than other ones.

But people just think that they're all the same, while actually, they're not all the same. There are huge, huge differences from one product to the next.

And that's where it makes it really important to understand a little bit about how to decipher, what those labels are, and what you're actually looking for when you're looking for an omega.

Yeah, and so what we're seeing a lot of is teaching about the different percentages, like which omega is are more important to have the higher percentage of, and why would that be?

So give us some insight into those percentages? Yeah, one word. So when we're talking about Omega 3 fatty acids or omegas, there are two major ones that we want to supplement with.


Omega 3 Fatty Acids EPA and DHA

- healthnfitnessadvise

One is called the EPA, and one is called DHA., and so you can broadly kind of break them down into two categories, where DHA, is really important for brain improvement for the construction of the real issues of the human brain.

EPA is more associated with an anti-inflammatory effect. So they're both important, you want both, you don't want to get just EPA or just DHA

You really want to acquire a combination of both. However diverse products will vary up to some extent in terms of which one of those products they're highlighting.

Moreover, there are a lot of causes for that. Sometimes you're struggling to make more of a brain-related product versus excess of an inflammation product.

Sometimes it's governed by where are you getting the fish oil from? Where are you getting these Omega 3 from? They usually come from fish oil, and what kind of fish are you getting?

And where are you getting the fish from? It could be a lot of it could be to kind of try to hit a price point.

Some of the cheaper products that are on the market don't render you very much of either of those. So you'll see products that have a very low level of omega threes.

And so there's a potency issue, there's a purity issue, and there's a ratio issue and so that's a lot for people to take in. But those are some of the things that go into making that right decision.

Okay, so we like we really want to stay balanced in both areas, and so many people. Yes, we want to say almost everyone who contacts doctors has inflammation yet inflammation of the brain.

So how are they to choose, and does every label have to tell you the percentages we mean, we've seen on the back of the labels.

You know, it will give the numbers and you know the units. So how would someone choose the best product for them?

Yeah, so the first place to look would be, that the overall potency of the product. That means, you know, how many milligrams of fish oil are we getting anyway.

So you know, a product might give you a gram of fish oil is four grams, 1000 milligrams, it might give you 1500 milligrams, 1.5 grams, that's around the level that most people want to supplement with as a total amount of fish oil, right.


A renowned Heart Association authority tells us, between one and two grams a day is what we need for overall heart health.

Some of the later research, like more recent research and suggesting it might be two to four grams, but let's just say we want to get around two grams a day.

So if you can get that two grams in as few capsules as possible, that's what you want. Because if you go look at some of these low potency fish oils, you might find it.

You know, the big box stores and the warehouse stores and things like that, you might have to take a handful of capsules, and sometimes a handful of really large capsules, in order to get up to that two-gram target.

So that is 1 piece of this. The other piece of it is what is the percentage there. So sometimes you'll see, especially with those cheap products, every gram of fish oil is only about 30%, these omega threes, it's only 30% of the EPA or DHA that you're looking for.

Those are what we call low potency, cheaper kinds of generic oils, the more premium ones, the more pure ones are more like 50% or 60% or 70%.

In fact, when a good firm formulates omega products, they don't go any lower than 70%. So that of 1000 milligrams of fish oil, 700 milligrams of it is EPA and DHA.

So there's that, that you know that goes from the total amount to be the purity of it, we may guess.

If you will, and then the question becomes Okay, of that 70% that's omega threes, how much is EPA, anti-inflammatory, and how much is DHA, brain-building, you want both of them.

But some of the really most recent research suggesting that a five to one ratio is really what we want to shoot for five parts of EPA to one part of DHA because then what that does that lowers inflammation systemically And importantly.

Just like you’ve read that it lowers neuroinflammation, the inflammation in the brain. So you lower that, neuroinflammation and that with the EPA, and then you have that small amount that one part of DHA, that can help with the repair process.


And so the most recent research shows that five to one ratio helps with cognition so we can focus better.


Omega 3 fatty acids benefits

Omega-3 Helps With Inflammation In The Brain

It helps with inflammation in the brain so that we feel better that's sort of an anti-depression effect. There's an anti-anxiety effect you just use again you just feel better when you're supplementing with the right ratios of these essential fatty acids.

If we ask you about anxiety and depression because that is the other main relevant topic and that's among those kinds of issues for which people are hesitant to say Hey, I'm dealing with anxiety, Hey there! I'm dealing with depression.

Well, it's becoming more open to sharing about it, but it still has a stigma to it in some areas. So for you to bring that up. That was our next question.

How does taking a really good omega product help us to decrease anxiety and depression?  So elaborate to us one more time about how that works?

Well you know, a lot of the low-grade sort of subclinical depression and anxiety that people struggle with all the time, and we know, when we say subclinical, you just don't feel right, you feel a little bit tense, you feel a little bit anxious, you feel a little bit moody and brain foggy.

And those sorts of things, not so much of an issue where you necessarily have to be on an antidepressant or an anti-anxiety or one of that focus.

You know, ADHD drugs or something like that. But those subclinical symptoms that people have all the time and just think, oh, this is just my modern life. That's an Omega-3 deficiency, it's because we're not eating five servings of fatty fish every week. So we're not getting that Omega-3  level.

That's affecting how our brains work. And so if we can bring people up to that optimal, that optimal Omega 3 intake with just a little bit of a supplement.

You know, an extra one or two grams a day, that means that they're happier, they're less tense, they're able to focus, their overall memory is better. The brain just works better because it's less inflamed.

It's less static in a sense, and people love the way that they feel.

So, it's really just, it's not like we're treating a disease. We're just closing the gap with this really, really important nutrient that everybody needs and hardly anybody is getting.

And so we close that gap with a supplement. And people feel amazing. Would you like some fish tonight? That is the question if had asked any person, they usually say, No, we'll just take a pill. We would rather take the Omega supplement versus eating fish.

So they still get fish, at least, it's just a requirement. But I'd rather just swallow a pill than eat fish.

So anyway, that's the only supplement that we'll let them get away with that.  So anyway, the top five reasons why someone would be interested in adding omegas into their diet.

Just quickly, if you were to list off the top five, you've already listed off some anxiety, depression, inflammation what would be two more reasons why someone should add omegas into the supplements or into their diet plan every day.

Well, the two would be the things that you know.  These might be the two that we are going to tell you might sound completely out of the left-field, but skin health and beauty benefit, and weight loss metabolism benefit.

You know, if we're over and they're both, they both sort of trackback to inflammation. But if you're over inflamed, that's gonna be bad for your brain. But it's going to be bad for every single tissue in the body, it's going to lead to something called glycation.

This means that the collagen in your skin gets brittle and gets non-elastic. And so that means you're gonna have more redness, you're going to have more blemishes, you're going to have more, you're going to have more issues around absolutely.


Omega-3 Fatty Acids Benefits

Omega-3 Helps Combat Skin Problems, Wrinkles, Wound Healing

You know, all the skin problems, more wrinkles, more redness, more problems with wound healing, all that kind of stuff in a similar manner.

If you're over inflamed, that's going to interfere with blood sugar control, it might set off a stress response in the body.

And those are going to lead to a metabolism where you're going to be hungrier, you're going to be craving sweets, you're going to be storing fat around your midsection.

So there's a huge benefit of omegas, for beauty, and for weight loss benefits. And those are things that, you know, we wouldn't say to somebody, you can take an omega, and you're going to be more beautiful the next morning, or you're going to take an omega and you're going to magically lose weight.

But it just puts your body biochemically in a place where your skin takes care of itself, your metabolism takes care of itself, your thyroid works better, the entire body is more efficient, and everything that it's trying to do.

So people who have dry skin, scaly skin. You know, Omegas is one of the ingredients that you're missing, and you're so right on that. So once again, we just really want to thank you for giving us your time to read all this and to share with us about taking omega three supplements.

An article on the multivitamin topic which we are hoping to publish soon can assist you more about this very topic because we shall try to write you the top three things the multivitamin, the omegas, and then a vitamin D supplement.

That's fits what you're looking for. So for now we really appreciate you have read this knowledge that is great information in a way that everyone can handle it and can understand it.

And that's always very beneficial. And this info just really will help us to improve about who we are and how we can live stronger going forward.

So for all of you reading, you picked a good article to land on and we appreciate that if you want to get notified every time we post new articles which is two to three times a week. Be sure you've subscribed to our blog Health and Fitness Advise.

And don't just keep this information only onto yourself. Because we know you have family members and friends who need to understand why they need to take an Omega 3 supplement.

Why this matters because just ask yourself how many people do you know that would like to have more beautiful skin, maybe even have an edge in losing weight, less inflammation less, partly cloudy days is how we describe that subclinical, you know depression is and just feel better about who they are.

Thanks for reading this health info article, if you have found it informative, then kindly share it with your loved ones.


Aloe Vera and Health

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