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Vitamin A Deficiency, Symptoms of Vitamin A Deficiency, Low Vitamin A

Vitamin A Deficiency, Symptoms of Vitamin A Deficiency, Low Vitamin A


Symptoms of Vitamin A Deficiency

Anyone who is looking to have beautiful skin, healthy eyesight, and good health overall should be consuming Vitamin A, which is crucial for all this to happen.

If you ever suffer for example, from dry skin, wrinkles, or vision loss, you might be having a Vitamin A deficiency.

A central vitamin that can be found in every single food that you might have in your same refrigerator.

So in this health info article, we shall cover some of the most obvious signs and symptoms that you might be suffering from a Vitamin A deficiency and where you can find it to stay healthy naturally and effectively.

Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin, meaning it has to be absorbed along with fats.  It participates in eyesight, a strong immune system, reproduction, and good skin health.

Now, something interesting is that there are two types of Vitamin A found in foods preformed Vitamin A and pro-Vitamin A.  One type of Vitamin A comes from animal products found in meat, fish, eggs, and dairy products.

The other type comes from plant-based products including for example red, green, yellow, and orange fruits, and vegetables, even though Vitamin A can be found almost anywhere.  A deficiency in Vitamin A is extremely common, and you might have it.

So now let’s reveal a few of the most obvious signs and symptoms that you might be suffering from a Vitamin A deficiency, and where you can find it to stay healthy naturally and effectively.

Symptoms of Vitamin A Deficiency

Dry skin

There are a large number of people who do not fully aware that a Vitamin A deficiency is extremely important for the creation and repair of skin cells.

Scientists have now discovered that it can also help fight inflammation during certain skin conditions.  This is also why not getting enough Vitamin A may be to blame for the development of for example eczema and other skin problems.

Eczema for example is a condition that causes dry, itchy, and inflamed skin.  Several clinical research studies have shown that there is a considerable improvement in Vitamin A consumption, especially when given alongside certain medications.

A prolonged for almost twelve weeks research study has shown that people who were suffering from chronic eczema consumed Vitamin A along with around ten to forty milligrams of a specific kind of Vitamin that is deemed to be related to Vitamin A experienced a reduction of their symptoms to almost fifty-three percent.

Obviously, keep in mind that dry skin can have many causes, but Vitamin A is certainly one of them.

Symptoms of Vitamin A Deficiency

Dry Eyes

If you really want to know whether you are having a Vitamin A deficiency or not.  Look at your eye health.  Eye-related health issues are some of the widely known problems linked to a deficiency of Vitamin A.

In extreme cases not getting enough Vitamin A can lead to complete blindness or the dyeing of corneas, which are characterized by marks called Bitot’s spots.

If you have dry eyes or the inability to produce tears, this is one of the first signs of a Vitamin A deficiency.  Curiously enough young children in India, Africa, and Southeast Asia are the most lacking in Vitamin A in the world and have the most common eye problems and dry eyes in the world also.

The good news is that the simple supplementation of Vitamin A can improve all of this.  So if you have that problem, start taking Vitamin A.

Symptoms of Vitamin A Deficiency

You Suffer From a Flu Frequently

Everyone knows that Vitamin C is a very important vitamin for immune function.  But still, there are people who do not realize that Vitamin A can be just as important.

Vitamin A really plays a significant role in maintaining and developing our body's essential natural defenses.  That is very important, this includes for example mucus, barriers in your eyes, lungs, gut, genitals that help trap bacteria, and other infectious agents.

In some aspects for example Vitamin A could be considered even more important than Vitamin C.  If it weren't for this vitamin, we would not be able to protect our barrier against pathogens in our system, which is extremely important, it's the first step to not being sick.

Vitamin A is a vital thing that also has significant involvement in the production of white blood cells and their functionality for human health.  These are the cells that help capture bacteria and viruses and keep you free from disease.

Now obviously this means that if you have a Vitamin A deficiency it can potentially increase your susceptibility to infections and delay the recovery process when you get sick.

Something interesting to know about is, that in countries where infections like measles and malaria are common correcting a Vitamin A deficiency as simple as that has shown great improvements.

Go ahead and consume Vitamin A, do not forget that it is very important.

Symptoms of Vitamin A Deficiency

Poor Wound Healing

Wounds that do not heal, well! after a surgery or an injury have been linked to Vitamin A deficiencies.  You see this happens because Vitamin A promotes the creation of collagen which is a very important skin component.

New research has discovered that both oral and topical Vitamin A can straighten the skin.  One research study in rats has discovered that oral Vitamin A improves collagen production, which is very important.

The vitamin had that same effect even though these rats were using steroids.  Apparently, topical Vitamin A can also improve wound healing in people with diabetes.  Which is also very powerful.  We don't know if you knew this, but people with diabetes, diabetics patients usually suffer a great deal with wound healing.

And now for those of you who are healthy taking Vitamin A will not only help improve healing but also collagen production for better skin beauty and health.

Now if you ever take collagen make sure to do so along with Vitamin C and Vitamin A, both are excellent for this purpose.

Symptoms of Vitamin A Deficiency

Delayed Growth

A lot of people have never heard that a Vitamin A deficiency can actually affect growth, and this is absolutely true.

Children who do not get enough Vitamin A can experience stunted growth.  Vitamin A is necessary for the proper development of the human body and our bones.

Several research studies have shown that Vitamin A deficiencies and supplements along with other nutrients can improve growth.

Most of these studies were conducted for example in developing nations.  In fact, a research study with over one thousand children in Indonesia found that those taking Vitamin A had a better growth rate than those who didn't.

Now obviously a combination of nutrients and many other vitamins including Vitamin A can be more effective than that.  There is no doubt that a multivitamin formula is much more effective.

Obviously, there would be more signs and symptoms of Vitamin A Deficiency which has not been covered in this health article.  Anyhow the purpose of writing this article is to emphasize the importance of this vital vitamin A for our health and why we should pay serious attention to overcoming Vitamin A Deficiency.

Thanks for reading this health info article.  If you have found it to be informative, then kindly share it with your friends and family.



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