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Weak Immune System Treatment and Ways To Improve Immunity

Weak Immune System Treatment and Ways To Improve Immunity


We are still living in the time of Covid.  So this topic of ways to improve immunity or weak immune system treatment is so important.  Anything we can do to build up our immunity may help prevent us from experiencing symptoms of the covid virus.

Luckily all of these tips can be performed right now.  No special equipment or supplements are needed to enhance the immune.  So, with that let's get right to this health fitness article and start weak immune system treatment.

Weak immune system treatment

Five Simple Steps

Are your colleagues coughing, sneezing, or pounding Vitamin C?  Is your spouse complaining of sinus drip? Do you anxiously watch your children bring home every mutation of every cold virus from preschool?

Don't worry, it's not selfish to hope that, you and your family can bypass whatever virus is going around.  Personally, we hate it when our partner and I get sick at the same time or in quick succession, someone needs to be well!

Boosting immunity means not only that you improve your possibilities of preventing most of the colds and flu that go around every year, but you will also feel excellent and stay ranked on your fitness.

While you can never hundred percent safeguarded against catching the occasional virus or covid for that matter.

You can dramatically increase your chances of consistent health by taking five simple steps.  In addition to a generally healthy diet of course.

Step No. 1

Vary the intensity of your workouts.  Aim for exercise about 45 minutes five times per week.  A few of the workouts should be sweaty and intense, but the others can be moderate or even gentle.  What we often recommend for the average patient is the following weekly format.

Two sessions of very challenging weight training.  Two sessions of steady-state cardio.  And one session of sprint intervals or high-intensity interval training.

Consistent exercise boosts your immunity especially if you exercise outside in the sunlight.  But there is a drop-off in the benefits.  If your level of intensity is too high and too frequent.

In fact, if you consistently overdo it at the gym and are addicted to gut-busting classes.  You may find over time that you catch lots of colds and feel generally run down.  Eventually, your physique results will suffer as well.


Create a weekly workout schedule that incorporates lower-intensity workout days, stacked between high-intensity workout days.

Step No. 2

Sleep and Immunity are mutually interlinked to help each other.  So, acting upon a Sleep Immune System.

Every human body is being required to have a perfect sleep of seven to eight hours at the same time every night.  While the pace of life only seems to get faster.  We need to learn how to slow down.

Sleep is essential for improving immunity it plays a vital role in a weak immune system treatment.  It's when our body rebuilds and patches itself up.

If you are running low on sleep you are making yourself vulnerable to catching every little cold and flu virus, that passes through your workplace or your kid's elementary school.

Many adults need seven to eight hours a night.  Don't try to emulate people who say they only need four to five hours a night, maybe they do.  But they're the exception, not the rule.

Tips To Get Good Sleep

  • Build a scheduled routine at night that should be exactly similar every single night. 
  • Turn off and put away close to your face screens like phones and tablets after dinner.
  • End up working after having dinner and switch on the activities to something pleasurable or at least neutral.
  • Get up at the same time every morning.  This will ultimately encourage your bedtime correctness itself.

Remember the consistency of when you sleep is almost as important as getting enough sleep.


This week try setting your alarm for the same time every morning and not hitting snooze.

Step No. 3

Incorporate intentional recovery.  An important aspect of weak immune system treatment, and overall whole-body health, is recognizing your body's need for recovery renewal and rest.

That's not sleeping cool downtime whether it's after a workout or simply after a hard situation or a hard day.  Helps your body de-escalate the flood of hormones like cortisol, which control your stress levels.  But when called up too frequently create burnout.  And yes lowered immunity.

Here are four ways you can get in this intentional recovery time to boost your immunity.

  • have an after-work routine that includes some kind of mindful non-plugged-in behavior, like a brisk walk or run.
  • Get regular massages.
  • After intense workouts lie down on your back once you've cooled down a little and put your feet up.
  • Take yoga or meditation classes.


Try putting your feet up after a tough workout for at least five minutes.

Step No. 4

De-stress by reducing your commitments or changing situations.  Sometimes stress is so chronic, that you need more than a meditation class.  You need a major overhaul.  Maybe it's as simple as reducing your commitments.  Maybe your kids don't need to be in every sport and every season.

But it may be as complex and long-term as changing jobs or addressing deep-seated relationship issues.

Consider it to be relaxed with this one because your conclusions will perhaps affect other people whom you care about.


Keep a diary by writing for 10 minutes when you wake up every morning, for at least seven days.  After a week note which circumstances and outlines causing much stress.  And discuss to a reliable fellow or therapist about appropriate actions that you might take.

Step No. 5

Wash your hands frequently and try to avoid touching your face in public.  This is perhaps the most practical suggestion and the easiest to implement but the most overlooked.

We often feel that people eat oranges, choosing canned drinks airborne by the gallon as if they're magic substances, but forget that viruses and infections are caused by germs like bacteria and viruses.

Basic hygiene helps to keep these organisms at bay.  And prevents your immunity from becoming overworked in the first place.

One of the coolest methods to prevent sickness is to adopt the habit of often washing your hands and escaping any kind of hand-to-face contact while in public.

This includes touching your eyes or eyelashes, eating with your un-washed hands, biting your nails, and picking at blemishes.


Every time you see a sink and soap wash your hands.

This past year has presented so many challenges in every area of your life from the living room to the virtual boardroom.  Keep focusing on your life.

We said at the top of this health fitness article, no special equipment or diet supplements are needed to help give the immune system a boost for a weak immune system treatment.

And when we read about this topic (weak immune system treatment) there's always a lot of focus on eating right and exercising and those are important don't get us wrong but sleep and recovery are also really important.

Researchers have found that just one night of poor sleep can reduce the effectiveness of the immune system of the human body by seventy percent that's a seven zero percent.  That means the immune system of the human body is only working at 30 percent of what it should be.

Now we understand that reading this scary news may cause you to lose even more sleep and we get it.  But please don't let this information make you feel even more stressed, instead, it just may mean that getting quality sleep is something you struggle with.

It may need to be more of a priority.  Maybe divert some attention to good sleep hygiene.  And as you do and as you try some of these techniques out.

Be sure to have patience with yourself.  Usually getting good quality sleep isn't something that happens overnight ah pun intended get it.

Anyhow it takes time, so keep at it, have patience, and eventually, you will end up getting better sleep.

All right! that's it from this health fitness article.  Thank you so much for reading this article on weak immune system treatment, and If you have liked it then, share it with your friends and family.


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