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What To Eat During Two Week Wait | Foods To Eat During 2 Week Wait

What To Eat During Two Week Wait: 2 Weeks Pregnant Food To Eat


Except for waiting to expect something positive, there are not many workable options left in a situation where you've recently had an embryo transferred.  But isn't there something you should eat?!  Are there any workable means to enable this embryo constantly stationed??!

Some people say a high protein, high sodium diet; others recommend pineapple core, some suggest raspberry leaf tea, and others suggest eating the rainbow? But who's right?!  What should you eat during the two-week wait?

Stay here, and we'll discuss the evidence and which one we think is best.

Welcome to this article which is described by a competent fertility and prenatal dietitian, who helps couples boost their fertility and give their babies the best start possible with the power of good food.

So, The two-week wait is almost worse than the rest of the fertility treatment put together, back pain, cramping, bloating, anxiety, it's not fun.

If you're like most of those patients who have spent hours debating with themselves about whether or not to indulge in some treat foods, is there anything that can help?! More importantly, is there anything you can eat to make this embryo stick?!

Well, let's look at the pros and cons of some of the common dietary recommendations out there:

What To Eat During Two Week Wait

High Protein, High Sodium Diet During 2 Week Wait

High protein, high sodium diet; this diet is increasing in popularity as a potential way to reduce bloating during the two-week wait,  and potentially even reduce the risk of Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome.

Unfortunately, there's very little research behind it, and having a low-carb, high-protein diet contradicts current evidence which suggests that carb-containing foods such as whole grains and dairy are actually beneficial for implantation.

So unless you have a high risk of OHSS, we'd probably recommend that you give this one a miss.


What To Eat During Two Week Wait

Eating Pineapple During 2 Week Wait  

Pineapple, particularly pineapple core, contains an enzyme called Bromelain, which has been found to reduce inflammation and thin the blood.

There's no good research to support eating pineapple during the two-week wait, but it won't hurt. Unfortunately, there's little benefit to drinking pineapple juice though.

Bromelain is concentrated in the core, so if you are going to try this, try cutting the core up into small wedges and chewing on them during the day.

What To Eat During Two Week Wait

Raspberry Leaf Tea During 2 Week Wait

Raspberry leaf tea - This herbal tea has been used for centuries for a range of medicinal purposes.  It's believed to have an estrogenic effect and is commonly used to impact women's menstrual cycles.

Many people caution against using it as it is commonly used to induce labor, however, more recent research suggests that drinking it during pregnancy may help to reduce labor complications.

In terms of optimizing implantation, emerging research suggests that it may help to thicken the uterine wall, and it's also rich in antioxidants.

We don't think it's going to be the miracle cure to get you pregnant, but we don't think it will be the cause of miscarriage either.

We'd recommend that you avoid it during your two-week wait until there's better evidence available.  We think there are much safer options, with better evidence.

What To Eat During Two Week Wait

Eating The Rainbow During 2 Week Wait 

Eating the rainbow - this term means to eat a wide variety of different colored fruits and vegetables each day.  The theory is that eating different colored fruits and vegetables ensures that you are getting a wide variety of antioxidants.

Different colored fruits and vegetables often represent different antioxidants, for example, purple and blue foods such as beetroot and blueberries are rich in anthocyanin, and yellowy-orange foods such as carrots and rockmelon are rich in carotenoids.

Antioxidants help to fight against oxidative stress, which is believed to be an important risk factor for pregnancy.

 What To Eat During Two Week Wait

Intermittent Fasting During 2 Week Wait

Intermittent fasting - another fad going around is intermittent fasting during your two-week wait.  Although we do use intermittent fasting with the patients, we'd highly caution against this strategy during the two-week wait.

The two-week wait is a time for nourishing your body, not starving it, so please, give this one a miss.

Pregnancy diet - Many recommend following pregnancy guidelines during the two-week wait.  This includes limiting caffeine and avoiding foods such as sushi and soft cheeses which have a high risk of Listeria toxicity.

We agree with the slogan 'pregnant until proven otherwise, and wholeheartedly support these guidelines. As such, it's also important to take a supplement that contains folic acid.  If you can handle it emotionally, check out the pregnancy-related info pages on the internet.

So, in summary, during the two-week wait, we would like to recommend:

Limit caffeine - Cease any supplements that haven't got adequate safety data for pregnancy such as high doses of vitamin E

Eat the rainbow - Avoid foods that have a high listeria risk such as soft cheeses, deli meats, sushi, and sashimi Include a variety of whole grains, such as oats, rice, and quinoa.

Ensure that you're consuming two servings of dairy products each day which may play a role in the growth and development of your embryo. 

Although you may feel like treating yourself to chocolate or ice cream, try your best to limit your intake of treat foods high in sugar and bad fats, and try to eat a diet that is as nourishing as possible.

That means fruit, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, protein-filled items, dairy, and healthy fats each day. If you haven't done so already.

Explore any free fertility meal plan from the internet and, make sure you check out some of the other relevant fertility articles on topics such as folic acid vs. folate and reducing the risk of miscarriage.

Thanks for reading this health info article, if you have found it informative then share it with your loved ones.


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